Here it shows the statistics for the prediction on the final result (FT).
The cumulative statistics regarding the odds made over the last three years are shown in the table below:
Exact forecasts | 685 | Percentage of success 75% |
Wrong forecasts | 233 | |
Total | 918 | |
Average 7 | Std.error 1 |
Skewness 0 |
Table of statistics – BundesLiga 2013-2014
Exact forecasts | 217 | Percentage of success 71% |
Wrong forecasts | 89 | |
Total | 306 | |
Average 6 |
Std.error 1 |
Skewness 0 |
Table of statistics – BundesLiga 2012-2013
Exact forecasts | 234 | Percentage of success 76.5% |
Wrong forecasts | 72 | |
Total | 306 | |
Average 7 | Std.error 1 |
Skewness 0 |
Table of statistics – BundesLiga 2011-2012:
Exact forecasts | 234 | Percentage of success 76.5% |
Wrong forecasts | 72 | |
Total | 306 | |
Average 7 | Std.error 1 |
Skewness -1 |